Foot, Ankle & Heel Pain
Podiatrists, Pain Expert in Woodbury Heights, Haddon Heights, Voorhees & Pine Hill, NJ
Plantar Fasciitis
Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists Serving You Better With The Most Advanced Technology
Its symptoms include pain when you first get up in the morning, burning, numbness, and increased symptoms by the end of the day. The pain is usually caused by tightening the plantar fascia ligament on the bottom of the foot.
The plantar fascia ligament supports the arch. When you're resting, the ligament contracts. As you start to walk, the ligament pulls and may tear slightly, causing pain. Trauma, over-exertion, ill-fitting shoes, or poor foot alignment can also bring on heel pain.
You don't have to live with pain anymore! We initially treat it conservatively with the following:
Anti-Inflammatory Medication
Plantar Fascia Exercises
Cortisone Injections
Custom Molded Orthotics ( Shoe Inserts)
We often prescribe custom orthotics for the best possible foot support. These inserts fit into your shoes, which are custom molded specifically to your foot, to correct the faulty foot alignment and bring your foot into the correct position.
Most of our patients respond to conservative treatment with favorable outcomes. For those patients that require additional treatment, surgery may be necessary.
It is a medical condition that causes pain along the back of the leg near the heel. It happens when the tendon is constantly abused. This condition is common among athletes and middle-aged people actively engaged in sports activities.
The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone. It allows a person to extend the foot and point the toes to the floor. It is also the thickest, longest, and strongest tendon of the body.
Generally, tendons do not heal rapidly or completely. A lifestyle change is sometimes needed to prevent the recurrence of Achilles tendinitis. The aim of treating Achilles tendinitis is to relieve the pain and reduce swelling. Tendon injury treatment includes:
Resting the Leg
Cold Compression Therapy
Physical Therapy
Heel Lift using a Brace or Cast
Anti-Inflammatory Medication
Plantar Fascia Exercises
Cortisone Injections
Surgery may be needed if the symptoms do not improve
Ankle Sprains &
Our Podiatrists are Ankle Specialists and we can help you find ankle pain relief. Sprains are an extremely common ankle injury. They involve possible joint damage resulting in swelling, instability, and pain, to more severe damage, such as torn ligaments, bruised cartilage, and broken bones.
Osteochondritis is a disorder where loose bone or cartilage gets caught between joints or bones, causing swelling, pain, stiffness, and in severe cases, immobility. A twisting-type ankle injury can cause loose piece(s) of bone or cartilage.
Unfortunately, untreated sprained ankles result in prolonged symptoms. These can include chronic pain or ankle instability, which makes a person prone to repetitive injury later in life and arthritic changes.
Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists utilize cutting-edge technology to determine if there is a fracture, dislocation, or torn ligaments.
If you've sprained your ankle or have a history of ankle sprains, early evaluation and aggressive treatment is the best way to avoid chronic pain, instability, and arthritis of the joints.
Foot, Ankle, or Toe Fractures
A broken bone is also known as a fracture. There is a common misconception that it is worse than a fracture. In reality, they are the same. There are many different types of fractures or breaks.
A bone can be broken and the fragments can be out of position. We call this a displaced fracture. Conversely, if they are in good alignment, it's called a non-displaced fracture. If a bone is broken and you can barely see it on an X-ray, it is a hairline fracture.
Finally, if a bone is broken and one of the fragments has punctured the skin, we call this an open or compound fracture. Since open fractures can easily become infected, immediate surgical management is required.
Broken bones are usually splinted initially to prevent bone movement and further damage to the soft tissues that surround them. If the fracture is displaced, it may need to be set. In certain fractures, setting them can be difficult. In these types of fractures, surgery is also indicated.
Even though this sounds very scary, most fractures can be managed in a cast without going to the OR. Even simple fractures of the toes respond very well to this treatment. And yes, we do put casts on toes. Not the plaster or fiberglass most people think of. Instead, we use a mesh tape that holds the toe in place.
If you have sustained an injury to the foot or ankle, please call us. Prime Foot and Ankle Specialist will make every attempt to see you ASAP, usually the day you call.