
Lapiplasty is an innovative surgical procedure for precise bunion correction. Find relief and get back on your feet with minimal downtime.

Introducing the cutting-edge Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction method, an innovative approach to effectively address and rectify bunions. Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists is now offering this groundbreaking treatment beyond merely eliminating the unsightly "bump." 

It tackles bunions in three dimensions to correct their underlying cause. This procedure ensures a secure and lasting correction, enabling patients to resume walking within days of surgery. 

Bunions and Its Solutions

Bunions are recognized by the development of a bony protrusion on the side of the foot, typically at the base of the big toe, resulting in the misalignment of the big toe itself.

Common symptoms of bunions include:

  • Balance issues

  • Discomfort when wearing shoes

  • Numbness

  • Pain

  • Swelling

Lapiplasty for bunions is your best option in treating this condition. While conservative measures such as wearing wider footwear, utilizing orthotics, and engaging in foot exercises can relieve these symptoms, they often fall short of addressing the fundamental issue. 

It's important to note that bunions typically do not resolve on their own, even with the application of conservative treatments.

Benefits of Less Invasive Treatment in Bunion Treatment

This treatment option represents a groundbreaking surgical technique that not only alleviates bunion symptoms but also addresses the root cause of this condition

In stark contrast to traditional bunion surgeries, which primarily concentrate on removing the bony protrusion, Lapiplasty bunion surgery offers a more comprehensive solution. 

This innovative procedure corrects the three-dimensional misalignment of the metatarsal bone (the long bone connected to the toes) and the phalanx bone (the big toe bone). 

By realigning these essential elements, it restores the foot's natural anatomy and effectively prevents the recurrence of bunions.

Advantages of This Procedure Compared to Conventional Bunion Treatments

Here are reasons why you should consider this treatment option over other traditional treatment methods. 

  • Swift Recovery

It offers a shorter downtime, enabling a quicker return to weight-bearing activities in contrast to other methods that necessitate extended periods of foot immobilization. 

With lapiplasty surgery, patients can typically resume their regular routines in about two weeks, a marked improvement compared to the nine-week recovery time associated with traditional surgery.

  • Minimally Invasive

This bunion treatment option is a minimally invasive procedure, resulting in smaller incisions and potentially reduced post-operative discomfort and scarring. 

It allows individuals to regain their daily activities sooner, a significant departure from the extended recuperation times linked to other surgical techniques.

  • Safety and Efficacy

Its safety and effectiveness are well-documented through clinical studies and real-world experiences. 

Research has indicated that this approach not only offers superior deformity correction but also diminishes the likelihood of recurrence compared to conventional surgeries.

  • Reduced Pain

Lapiplasty patients often report experiencing less post-operative pain, fewer complications, and higher satisfaction with the results compared to those who undergo other bunion surgeries. In contrast, pain following traditional bunion surgery can persist for several weeks.

It's important to note that while this procedure presents numerous advantages, the procedure may take longer due to its three-dimensional correction, which is more intricate.

Additionally, this technique necessitates the expertise of a doctor with specialized training and experience in this type of surgery.

How Does the Treatment Work?

The lapiplasty 3D bunion correction procedure is a multi-step process designed to rectify bunion deformities effectively. Before the surgery, your podiatrist will carefully evaluate your foot, conduct imaging studies, assess the severity of the deformity, and strategize the corrective approach.

The procedure itself encompasses the following key steps:

  • Incision and Access

Small incisions are made around the affected area to gain access to the bones. These incisions allow the surgeon to reach the metatarsal bone.

  • Bone Repositioning

The metatarsal bone is skillfully repositioned using specialized instrumentation. This adjustment is pivotal for correcting the misalignment of the bone.

  • Stabilization

To maintain the corrected position of the bones, small screws or plates are inserted. These implants provide stability, promoting proper bone healing  after the lapiplasty procedure.

  • Closure

After the surgical corrections, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures.

  • Immobilization

Typically, the foot is immobilized using a supportive boot during the initial healing phase.

Following the procedure, a rehabilitation plan is prescribed, which may involve physical therapy. This regimen aids in gradually restoring strength and mobility in the treated foot, ensuring a successful recovery.

Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists — Your Trusted Foot and Ankle Care Team

When dealing with foot or ankle issues, you deserve a dedicated team of specialists committed to offering clear insights into your condition, utilizing cutting-edge equipment for your care, and devising a tailored treatment plan that directly targets your unique concerns. 

Our podiatrists at Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists deeply comprehend the significance of lapiplasty in maintaining healthy feet. With their extensive education and training, they are your top choice for a swift recovery.

If you're grappling with foot or ankle discomfort, don't hesitate to reach out to us or conveniently schedule an appointment with us online.