How to Relieve Foot Pain from Standing All Day

How to Relieve Foot Pain from Standing All Day

More than half of workers worldwide report spending 75% of their work time standing. After several hours of standing, the pressure on our feet can become deeply uncomfortable. Few of us realize how painful prolonged standing can be – we're constantly shifting our weight, staying balanced and stable, or briefly walking. While it doesn't sound too strenuous, our bodies don't get a break.

Where walking lets the muscles have a short rest between steps, your leg and feet muscles are constantly engaged in standing—even shifting from one foot to the other does little to alleviate your pain.

Little wonder so many people ask about "how to relieve foot pain from standing all day." We know it's a common problem with numerous professions and jobs demanding several hours spent on your feet.

Learn how to stop foot pain from standing all day below – as well as why it causes pain in the first place.

Why does standing cause foot pain?

Standing all day is just part and parcel of numerous occupations. While in a private capacity, you can take a break from a task by sitting down for a short period, at work, there's an expectation of staying on your feet regardless. Such occupations include:

  • Waiters and Waitresses

  • Teachers and Professors

  • Chefs and Kitchen Staff

  • Veterinarians

  • Physicians

  • Surgeons

  • Pharmacists

  • Nurses

  • Flight Attendants

  • Bartenders

  • Athletics Coaches

If you've ever worked similar jobs, you'll know how painful standing on concrete or hard floor tiles can be. During this time, your muscles are constantly engaged, shifting your weight and maintaining your balance. You're also being subject to a constant gravitational pull, where the blood must move back towards the heart against gravity. Usually, you'd sit or kneel down, improving circulation – not the case when standing for hours on end.

In some cases, you're not only standing all day; you're standing in one place all day. Surgeons or chefs, for example, remain rooted to the spot for several hours, day after day. The strain on the muscles and circulation can become extremely painful. 

How to relieve foot pain from standing all-day

There's no need to keep asking "how to stop foot pain from standing all day." With a few simple tips, you can relieve your foot pain and ensure you never experience such extreme pain in future.

  1. Go for a walk

When we walk, we're constantly engaging some muscles and resting others. In standing, it's the same muscles continuously engaged. You can relieve some discomfort with a short walk to stimulate your peripheral circulation and get different muscles working. 

It doesn't have to be far – but it does help if it's often. For example, a physician could take a slightly longer route to help relieve their feet during a ward round.

  1. Elevate your feet

Give your circulation a little help by raising your feet for 10 to 15 minutes during your break. You'll improve your circulation, reduce foot swelling, and rest your standing muscles. 

While it sounds like a simple answer to the question of how to relieve foot pain from standing all day, it works effectively for most patients.

  1. Wear compression stockings

Compression socks apply gentle pressure to the ankle and calf, promoting blood flow back towards the heart. Certain prescription stockings are gradated – meaning there's a pressure gradient from the ankle to the top. However, most choose the nonmedical hosiery that applies a uniform pressure across the leg.

For prolonged standing, compression stocking will improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. 

  1. Use arch supports

Part of the problem with standing is poor support. Speak to your foot doctor about the orthotics that can help – chief amongst which is arch support. Arch supports are wrapped around the foot's arch, providing padding and structure. 

Considering this is where much of the strain is felt from standing, arch supports are an effective solution, suitable for all types of footwear. 

  1. Strengthen your foot muscles

Walking and exercising will both strengthen your lower limb muscles. By doing so, you promote strength and flexibility, reducing the pain from muscle strain. Resistance exercises are also advised to prevent future soreness. 

Common exercises include:

  • Achilles stretches while standing against a wall.

  • Use resistance bands to strengthen your calf muscles

  • Pick marbles up with your toes

  1. Pick the ideal shoe

A common culprit in foot pain is footwear. We often consider certain shoes inappropriate for particular tasks, e.g., mountain climbing in stilettos. However, we rarely think about how standing is affected by our footwear. 

Supportive shoes should fit correctly, providing cushioning for your feet. For example, avoid wearing high-heels, as they concentrate the pressure on your feet, causing more pain. Furthermore, even sneakers can wear out after 400 to 500 miles of walking. Consider changing your shoes every three to six months to improve your support. You can also choose a specialist brand designed with foot support in mind. 

  1. Relieve inflammation and pain

After a long day at work, your feet need a little TLC. Footbaths are a popular option – add some Epsom salt to help relieve your sore muscles and relax. 

If foot baths aren't your thing, applying ice to the affected site for 5 to 15 minutes will reduce some of the inflammation. Alongside ice compression, take over-the-counter pain relief, like Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen). 

A final thought

If, after trying all the above recommendations, you're still asking how to stop foot pain from standing all day, you should speak to a doctor.

Contact your podiatrist if you notice the following:

  • Constant pain for at least two to three days.

  • Swollen foot in constant pain

  • Open wound on the foot

  • You're unable to walk on your foot

To get more information, visit Prime Foot & Ankle Specialists in your nearest location.

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