foot pain, heel pain, sports medicine Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists foot pain, heel pain, sports medicine Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists

What Is Plantar Fasciitis And How Can It Be Treated?

Did you know that your plantar fascia ligaments are vulnerable to strain injuries in your daily life? Too much pressure, excessive running, and inadequate footwear can put too much pressure on your feet and injure the ligaments. Plantar fasciitis can be a painful orthopedic complaint and require immediate treatment. This article includes different treatment options for plantar fasciitis to prevent complications, like chronic heel pain.

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toenail conditions Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists toenail conditions Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails form when the nail begins to grow into adjacent skin, causing pain and inflammation. This can be a result of trimming nails too short or at an angle, wearing shoes that are too tight, genetics or even trauma, which results in the nail growing abnormally. Ingrown toenails typically affect the big toes, but can occur in any digit.

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