How to Wrap Foot for Top of Foot Pain

How To Wrap Foot for Top of Foot Pain

Few parts of our body receive as much stress and strain as our feet. Whether we’re standing up all day or out and about, our feet support our entire body weight all day long. Little wonder so many people complain about foot pain.

Of all the ligaments, joints, muscles, and bones in the foot, the top of the foot is a common area for discomfort. Conditions like extensor tendonitis can cause debilitating pain limiting your daily activities and chores.

Yet search for “how to wrap foot for top of foot pain”, and you’ll rarely find a satisfactory answer… until now. Learn how to wrap foot for top of foot pain in this article. 

What causes top of the foot pain?

With so many adjacent structures, determining the precise cause of top of foot pain is challenging. It’s most associated with repetitive, overused activities like running or kicking.

Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Extensor tendonitis affects the tendon that runs along the top of the foot, which is responsible for extending the foot upwards. It can be caused by tendon overuse or tight-fitting shoes. 

  • Sinus tarsi syndrome is rare, involving a narrow channel between the heel and ankle bone. Pain is in the top of the foot and outside the ankle.

  • Stress fractures of feet bones produce significant swelling, with pain localized to a particular metatarsal bone.

  • Bone spurs occur in the joints in your feet and toes and produce a significant ache.

  • Gout causes sudden, intense pain, most commonly in the joint at the base of the big toe.

  • Peripheral neuropathy causes pain, prickling, or numbness in toes, feet or ankles. 

How to identify the cause

Identifying the underlying cause is critical to applying the correct treatment. Conditions like gout are relatively apparent, but differentiating between a sprain and a fracture is important to avoid wrapping a broken foot.

Spraining is associated with:

  • Bruising

  • Difficulty walking or bearing weight

  • Immediate throbbing pain

  • Foot deformity

Fractures are more severe, leading to swelling, bruising, and intense pain when placing weight on the affected foot. In either case, you should seek medical attention immediately.

How to wrap foot for top of foot pain

Wrapping your foot for top of foot pain is only applicable in certain circumstances. You should never wrap a broken foot for gout or peripheral neuropathy, as it will make little to no difference and worsen symptoms. Extensor tendonitis is the most common reason to wrap the foot. 

Here are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Flex your foot downwards, placing your heel on a slightly elevated surface 

  2. Do not stretch the foot at the toes or ankle.

  3. Use a pain-relieving adhesive tape, and stick it from just below the toes up to the ankle – do not bend the ankle. Keep the foot pointed and press the tape down onto the skin.

  4. Bend your foot at the ankle, pointing your toes upwards. If they take wrinkles, you need to apply further tape horizontally. Do the same as before. 

If you do not have adhesive medical tape, you can achieve a similar result using bandages. To add support, you’ll want to roll the bandage around the ankle. However, using athletic tape works best to relieve any pain. 

Like for top of foot pain, using athletic tape is also a viable option for arch pain. Rather than running the tape lengthways, you can wrap the foot around the arch – support and stabilize the structure. 

When to see a doctor

If your foot pain persists longer than a week – despite home treatment – you should speak to your foot doctor. You should also call for pain severe enough to prevent walking or burning pain, numbness, or tingling in the affected foot.

The doctor will ask about your physical activity and past injuries during the appointment. They’ll want to know when the symptoms began, what happened, and how they progressed. The doctor will feel the foot in the examination, asking you to say when it hurts or perform several exercises to test your foot’s range of motion. 

For extensor tendonitis: your doctor will ask you to flex your foot downwards, then pull your toes up against resistance. If a fracture or bone spurs are implicated, you can be sent for an x-ray. 

How to treat top of foot pain

Due to their extensive use, foot conditions can worsen if left untreated. However, you can substantially relieve top of foot pain with simple conservative treatments. 

Common conservative treatments include:

  • NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory drugs, like Advil (ibuprofen), are prescribed to reduce inflammation, e.g., from gout.

  • Casts or walking boots are used if a fracture is identified

  • Physical therapy can help treat extensor tendonitis, peripheral neuropathy, or peroneal nerve damage. Therapy consists of improving flexibility and practicing strengthening exercises. 

  • Home treatments. The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is simple yet effective for home use. You can also wrap the foot using athletic tape, as discussed above. Top of foot pain can be associated with poor-fitting shoes, meaning new, supportive shoes are needed. 

Wrap your foot to relieve pain

Learning how to wrap foot for top of foot pain is one of the best home treatments. For minor injuries, you can wrap the foot to support, relieve tension, and strengthen the joints. 

Nevertheless, if pain persists or worsens, you should always speak to a foot doctor. If you suspect your foot is broken, you experience numbness and tingling, or the pain is extreme, contact our team for an evaluation. We’re ready to help.

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