How To Stop Gout Pain at Night

Unlike most conditions, gout almost always strikes or worsens at night. Just as you're getting ready for bed or trying to sleep, you feel a sudden, throbbing pain in your big toe – gout has struck. For many, the pain is so severe they struggle to sleep; and gout can sensitize a joint to even the slightest touch. 

Worse, when we fail to get enough sleep, inflammatory symptoms will not improve. After all, sleep is when our bodies do much of their healing.

That's why it's so important to learn how to stop gout pain at night. Not only will it reduce your peak symptoms, but it'll give your body some much-needed rest.

What is gout?

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. The most common joint affected is the big toe, but other joints, like the wrist, ankle, knees, and fingers, can also be involved.

An episode of gout is caused by a sudden crystallization of uric acid, leading to painful, swollen joints. Episodes typically last anywhere from 3 to 14 days. If left untreated, gout becomes chronic, causing permanent joint damage. 

How To Stop Gout Pain at Night

Why does gout occur at night?

No matter the patient, symptom flare-ups all too often happen at night. Gout flare-ups occur when there is a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joint, caused by raised levels of uric acids within the body. This can be due to diet, medications, or simply genetics. 

With gout caused by raised background levels of uric acid, why does it worsen at night? 

Well, it can occur at any time of day, but there are lots of reasons why nighttime increases the effect of the existing uric acid levels, including:

  • Dehydration. By reducing the volume of your blood, you increase the concentration of uric acid. Many people become dehydrated as they sleep, leading to the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint.

  • Cortisone levels drop. Cortisone is a natural steroid responsible for managing inflammation. During the day, levels rise; however, cortisone drops as we sleep, increasing pain from inflammation.

  • Breathing changes. During sleep, breathing patterns slow down, reducing the carbon dioxide levels exhaled. These levels increase in the blood, precipitating uric acid crystal formation.

  • Reduce body temperature. Our bodies drop their temperature during sleep, promoting the production of uric acid crystals. We also tend to prefer cooler rooms, and our extremities are our coolest points. 

How to stop gout pain at night

During the night, you're unlikely to be able to seek immediate medical attention. If you've had a previous episode, use the medication prescribed by your doctor – ensure it remains within date. 

Otherwise, you'll need simple remedies that can provide immediate relief. 

Raise the foot

Propping a foot up on cushions or pillows will deliver immediate pain relief. By reducing some of the blood flow and pressure, you minimize the symptoms of inflammation. Ideally, the foot should be above your heart to relieve the swelling and pain.

Take anti-inflammatory medication

The best home remedy is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs, like ibuprofen or naproxen, are available over-the-counter (OTC). They soothe the inflammatory pain, relieving your symptoms. 

When taking NSAIDs for an episode of gout, it's best to take the recommended dose at set intervals. That way, you're not reacting to the pain but preventing it. 

Apply ice

Ice is an effective treatment for swelling and pain. It'll calm your achy, swollen joint. You should never apply ice directly onto the skin. Instead, wrap the ice in a towel or use an ice pack. Apply only for short 20 minutes periods.

Drink water

If dehydration is a major factor in nocturnal gout attacks, then drinking extra fluids before bed can help. Be careful what you're drinking. Water will soothe the pain and relieve symptoms; alcohol or sugary drinks will only worsen your pain. 

In addition to these immediate treatments, long-term gout medication and lifestyle changes will have the biggest impact. Together, they can reduce the severity and frequency of attacks. 

Final thoughts

Learning how to stop gout pain at night is about recognizing the immediate signs and taking effective and decisive action. Raising the joint, applying ice, drinking water, and taking medication will all provide short-term relief. 

In the long-term, medications and lifestyle changes will reduce nighttime gout episodes, thereby relieving pain. 

You don't need to live with gout. Talk to our team about gout treatments and management.

Clicta Digital

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